Piano Tuning
Servicing a piano includes the following:
1) Tuning- adjusting the pitch so all 3 strings for each key is tuned to each other. (minimum once each year or each season change)
2) Regulation- adjusting the action of the piano so each key feels the same.
3) Voicing- shaping the hammers so the tone of each note is consistent.
Piano Tuners:
The following list of names are active members in the Milwaukee Area RPTG (Registered Piano Technicians Guild) approved by Hartland Piano.
A typical tuning fee with a qualified technician is $150-$200 plus travel time and takes 1 1/2-3 hours. Regulation, voicing and general repairs are charged an hourly rate.
Please contact a technician near you for an appointment.
Registered Piano Technicians (RPT)- http://www.milwaukeeptg.org/
Dr Lawrence McDonald RPT/ Co Owner Hartland Piano 262-719-7696 [email protected]
(In house technician for Hartland Piano, not available for in-home tunings)
Tim Fleming RPT 262-512-1413 [email protected]
Cory Jacobsen RPT 262-689-6043
Brandon Condon 414-559-1234 / pianonurses.com
Jingyi Pan - (626) 275-2365 [email protected]
Dan Schneider/Performance Piano 414-530-4228 [email protected] (Yamaha Disklavier Specialist)
Kim Westergaard 262-949-9550 [email protected]
Mike Mihopulous 414-315-4182 (QRS Player Specialist)
Lucas Brookins RPT 608-931-5863 [email protected]
Tim Dixon RPT 414-587-9629 [email protected] (Grand pianos only)
Eric Carlson RPT 262-930-8995 [email protected]
Bill Bremmer RPT 608-238-8400 [email protected] (Madison)
Jonathan Moberg RPT 414-962-2227
Linda Marten RPT 414-258-8480 [email protected]
Matt Friedli - 414-315-3221 [email protected]
Josh Saiia 414-313-4665 (Pianodisc Player Specialist)
Craig Frohna 262-821-0500 [email protected] http://www.cfpianoservice.com/
Patty Stevenson 414-476-8851
Servicing a piano includes the following:
1) Tuning- adjusting the pitch so all 3 strings for each key is tuned to each other. (minimum once each year or each season change)
2) Regulation- adjusting the action of the piano so each key feels the same.
3) Voicing- shaping the hammers so the tone of each note is consistent.
Piano Tuners:
The following list of names are active members in the Milwaukee Area RPTG (Registered Piano Technicians Guild) approved by Hartland Piano.
A typical tuning fee with a qualified technician is $150-$200 plus travel time and takes 1 1/2-3 hours. Regulation, voicing and general repairs are charged an hourly rate.
Please contact a technician near you for an appointment.
Registered Piano Technicians (RPT)- http://www.milwaukeeptg.org/
Dr Lawrence McDonald RPT/ Co Owner Hartland Piano 262-719-7696 [email protected]
(In house technician for Hartland Piano, not available for in-home tunings)
Tim Fleming RPT 262-512-1413 [email protected]
Cory Jacobsen RPT 262-689-6043
Brandon Condon 414-559-1234 / pianonurses.com
Jingyi Pan - (626) 275-2365 [email protected]
Dan Schneider/Performance Piano 414-530-4228 [email protected] (Yamaha Disklavier Specialist)
Kim Westergaard 262-949-9550 [email protected]
Mike Mihopulous 414-315-4182 (QRS Player Specialist)
Lucas Brookins RPT 608-931-5863 [email protected]
Tim Dixon RPT 414-587-9629 [email protected] (Grand pianos only)
Eric Carlson RPT 262-930-8995 [email protected]
Bill Bremmer RPT 608-238-8400 [email protected] (Madison)
Jonathan Moberg RPT 414-962-2227
Linda Marten RPT 414-258-8480 [email protected]
Matt Friedli - 414-315-3221 [email protected]
Josh Saiia 414-313-4665 (Pianodisc Player Specialist)
Craig Frohna 262-821-0500 [email protected] http://www.cfpianoservice.com/
Patty Stevenson 414-476-8851